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1. EvD Articles
Articles & Editorials Erich Von Daniken Research Society King Pacal’s Ascension What EvD instinctively understood in his young years and published in his first book – CHARIOTS OF THE GODS – is in the meantime independent proved by interdisciplinary Scientists. In the southern Mexican state Chiapas situated, takes Palenque for viewers with Cargo-Cult-Glasses, a unique role. Because in Palenque lies the - in the meantime - world-famous tomb plate of Pakal. A 3,8- meter-long and 2,2-meter-wide mon

2. EvD Bibliography
TIMES wrote. 1969 His second book was published, GODS FROM OUTER SPACE (EN 1970). This book was on the best seller lists throughout the world within two weeks.

[ More results from www.daniken.com ]

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