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1. Traffic light coalition agrees on the heating law - these are the changes
Kompromiss im Energiegesetz: Erleichterungen für Hauseigentümer - Ampelkoalition erlaubt Holzheizungen und Wasserstoff als Zukunftslösung

2. Energy supplier Uniper on the brink of extinction
Energy supplier Uniper is on the brink of bankruptcy. Germany's largest gas supplier faces insolvency. State must step in

3. Experts doubt that Habeck's LNG strategy will work
Experts doubt that Habeck's LNG strategy will work. There are neither enough tankers nor enough LNG terminals

4. Federal Network Agency: Warning against gas boiler failure
Federal Network Agency: Warning of gas boiler failure. Pressure drop switches off gas boilers automatically. Reset only possible by specialist

5. Gas crisis: Federal Network Agency warns
Gaskrise: Bundesnetzagentur warnt. Die Angst vor dem Totalausfall und leeren Gasspeichern im kommenden Winter nimmt zu

6. Gas crisis - now sales of electric fan heaters are booming
Gas crisis - now the sale of electric fan heaters is booming. The fear of a cold flat in winter is rising.

7. Gas shortage: municipalities prepare warming halls for population
Gas shortage: Municipalities prepare warming halls for population. Citizens should also make preparations themselves

8. German economy crashes
German economy crashes. Trade balance in the red for the first time in 30 years. No German company among the world's top 100 any more

9. The destruction of our prosperity
The destruction of our prosperity. People lose more than 20 per cent of their purchasing power due to price increases

10. Energy policy: from one disaster to the next
Energy policy: from one disaster to the next. Not enough inland shipping capacity to supply reserve power plants with coal

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