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Zeige Seiten 31 - 34 von 34 Ergebnisse (0 Sekunden)
31. Energy crisis threatens Germany's industry: Red alert at RWE, Evonik an...
Germany's energy crisis threatens industry and competitiveness: After Evonik boss now also RWE boss sounds the alarm

32. Experts warn of drastic rise in electricity prices and uncertain supply by 2030
Experts warn of electricity shortfall: Electricity prices could rise to 60-80 cents per kWh by 2030. Renewable energies are not enough

33. Heat pumps in Italy: subsidies exhausted, market collapses
Generous subsidies made low-cost heat pumps possible in Italy. Now the subsidies have been used up and the market is dead

34. Traffic light coalition agrees on the heating law - these are the changes
Kompromiss im Energiegesetz: Erleichterungen für Hauseigentümer - Ampelkoalition erlaubt Holzheizungen und Wasserstoff als Zukunftslösung

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